Slate Law PLLC advises tenants on their options.


Tenant Advising
MT Tenant Resources
WA Tenant Resources

Common issues include:
Failure of a landlord to make a needed repair (“habitability” issues)
Retaliation after repair requests
Addressing lease violation notices
Responses to a summons and complaint (an “Eviction” or “Unlawful Detainer” lawsuit)

– Montana Law Help has articles, forms and court document links for tenants with housing issues.
– Montana Emergency Rental Assistance Program (“MERA”) provides eligible tenants with assistance to pay their rent.
– Montana Legal Services Association (“MLSA”) provides free advice to eligible tenants.
– Self Help Law Centers are located throughout Montana to provide tenants with access to forms such as an answer form for responding to a summons and a complaint.

– Washington Law Help has articles, forms and court document links for tenants with housing issues.
– Washington Eviction Rent Assistance Program (“ERAP”) provides eligible tenants with assistance to pay their rent.
– Northwest Justice Project (“NJP”) provides free advice to eligible tenants.